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1.01.08 New Years Club Run

Mother Nature provided the snow for the run today and Rick Nagy took advantage of it and made a snowman. Frank Foti trying to keep warm as he thinks it is cold today.
I may be mistaken but I don't think that's a very good place to build a snowman. Rick's efforts in making a snowman seem to have it's arm misplaced but longevity will not be it's forte.
The snow continues as the members hang around the door to the station where they can go into and get some warmth. Oh No, Mr. Bill, Mr. Bill here comes the train as the snowman watches the engine approach the station.
Fearlessly the snowman stood his ground facing the oncoming doom(The next picture was censored). Bill Bodeman approaches the track and wants to know "Anyone for more?".
Inside the station Marty Pinkston, Ken Brooks and Marcel Uhrich are trying to get warm. Richard Sales brought his electric powered engine which he sells kits through M.R. Motion.
Wonder what's so interesting in Marty's truck that has the guys attention? Marty's Clishay under construction with the chassis, bedplate and the two cyclinder engine well along.
Debbie Bodemer, Jake Knox, Edith Hacker and Pam Znidar in Candyland which is set up for the holidays in the Ranger station. Jake taking advantage of the slide in Candyland.
Looking out the window to the Bird Sanctuary covered in a blanket of snow. The birds still need to eat so remember to set out feeders and keep them filled especially when there is snow on the ground.
Marcel enjoys the fun no matter how cold it is, maybe this has to do with trains. Happy New Year to All!! (photos taken and provided by Pam Znidar)
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