Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session

Dave Foster on the floor painting the bar stock rails in our new storage shed. John Knootz after painting on the floor still manages a smile and I can attest that it's hard on the knees.
View looking towards the roll-up door and most of the steel is painted now. We tried not to paint the conduit, just the steel angle supports to the ceiling beams.
That's alot of angle surface area to paint when the racks are 45 feet long. In retrospect we should have painted the upright frames before errecting them in place, just leaving the areas to be welded unpainted.
At least the worst is over, with an occasional paint touch up that might have been missed as we go over the framing. Along the side of our building trying to grow is this fungi, must think it's good soil below the stones.
Dave Foster mounted the plaque to our Switch Shop in memory of George Foster, his dad, who donated the building to the club which is now the George Foster Building.
Work continues on the right-a-way for yard access track as Dick Clark and Rick Nagy head into the woods as Edith Hacker and Ken Brooks follow them. From the looks of it we are going to have to order some fill dirt.
The new right-a-way fill has been getting some of the last of the blue clay we had and that's the Branch Line track on the right. Robbi Haines cooked on the grill tonight and she is serving Judson Elliott.
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