Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session - 10/12/2011

Bill Deptowicz looks up at the newly erected railroad signal light because we're going to have to open the case to wire it. Bill and Dick Clark discuss the ways that we can use the light for moving trains or just a decoration for the public.
Wally Pausch brought in some slab wood so we would have dry wood for our Hobo Stew cookout over the fire. As it started to rain, the group began to gather at the station to wait out the rain.
The rain continued and the guys are still waiting under the cover of the station roof. Bill snuck out when the rain let up enough to take a picture of the back side of the railroad signal which has a padlocked cover.
An overall view of the back of the signal and the rain doesn't want to let up so it doesn't look like we'll get much work done at the track today. Ted Nyland locks up the Switch Shed Shop as John Koontz helps him carry some items to his car and that's all we're going to do today because of the rain.
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