Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session

George Woodling taking the wheelborrow full of dirt to dump for fill about 30 yards behind him. Tom Reder, Ken Brooks, John Koontz and Rick Nagy work on our excavation of dirt for the new right-a-way to the storage building.
We had ordered a load of river bottom sand for fill and were taking delivery of 23 tons of it. Jake Knox, Lew Fowler, Tom and John started filling buckets for the work train to pick up.
Dave Foster errected the plaques on our new storage barn which will be called the Stanek Car Barn and also a plaque in memorial for George Davidson who didn't get to see it finished. Edith Hacker helping with the digging for the right-a-way.
We are making good progress on the cut to lower the right-a-way. Back at the fill pile Rick is loading the buckets on the train as Lew takes a few minutes off from filling the buckets.
Tom, Lew and Ken doing what they can to reduce the size of the pile as Rick puts the loaded buckets on the train. This is the area that is being filled, as you can see, from the foreground to the wheelborrow.
Nancy Kuchta (at left) who won the afghan in a drawing we had is helping Kitty Shriver hold it up for display. Sharon Warner and her daughter Eliza look over all the pumpkins we carved and set out for the train to pick up.
Mike Uhrich and Dick Mackey were cleaning out the seeds from the pumpkins and the tops for others to carve. Later Dick was working at the lift to put the cars filled with pumpkins in the storage shed.
John Deptowicz smiles as Roberta Uhrich brandishes a knife over hubby Mike's head. One of these faces belong to Jerry Bell......can you pick out the right one?
Kitty intensely at work on her masterpiece of carving. A night shot of the activity with all the carving going on and the trainload of pumpkins in front of the station.
Another shot but this time with the flash to capture the scene. Paul Emch and Karl Losely carry the big pumpkin into the station to store it till Friday as it is too big to clear the other cars in the storage barn.
Josh Frank working on his pumpkin to make a one of a kind masterpiece. Mike, John and Logan Tapolyai look to be in deep concentration with the carving at hand.
Ethan Deptowicz just woke up and doesn't know what's going on as his Grampa holds him. With his grandson Patrick Bell sitting in front of him, Jerry Bell works on making a relief carving that will glow from the light within later.
Logan is filling the bucket with seeds for mom to wash and roast as Edith Hacker watches the activity. Well it had to happen, we got another pouring rain after dark before we managed to carve all the pumpkins.
The remaining pictures were provided by Roberta Uhrich and Pam Znidar. Ben Marsh and Jake ham it up as Kathy and Karl Losely clean the huge pumpkin. Judson Elliott with his family take out time to pose for this picture.
Emily Kutscher shows off her pumpkin as Pam Znidar and Bill Besselman pose with her for the camera. Mike and Roberta Uhrich with their daughter Margaret take a moment for the photographer.
Dick Mackey and Marcel Uhrich move the pumpkin back to the tailgate. Jesse, Eliza and their mother Sharon Warner working on the carving of their pumpkins seem to be enjoying the task at hand.
Bridget trying her hand at carving a pumpkin as Marcel her hubby makes with an expression. A view of Jake as we look through the teeth of the huge pumpkin that dwarfs Jakes head.
Patrick Bell trying to look as fierce as the pumpkin and is doing a pretty good job at it but I think the pumpkin has more teeth. Kitty Shriver with her granddaughter Eliza Warner and the pumpkin they are working on.
Roberta and Mike getting cozy for the camera as Mike lays out another pattern on a pumpkin. Cindy and Josh Frank working elbow to elbow to create their individual masterpieces.
Kate Uhrich and John McDonald work on their pumpkins as Ryan Lawrence shows his talent for the CSX Railroad. Amy and John work on their pumpkins as Logan watches the train loading the carved specimens.
It looks like this pumpkin was drinking or is trying to compete with Rudolf for the red nose award. Bridget an Emily ponder their progress and there are many more pumpkins to carve.
Tim and Patrick Bell work on their pumpkin as a father and son project. Want to cut out a hundred or so pumpkin tops out quickly? Richard Sales was using a "Sawzall" to do the job and keep ahead of Mike and Dick who were cleaning out the innards.
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