Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

10.21.09 Work Session

Todays work session main theme is carving pumpkins for the Magical Whooloween Run this Friday and Saturday evening. The pumpkins were delivered and were in a container which we usually have to unload loose from a pickup truck.
The youngsters were helping to get the pumpkins to the tables at the station where the carving would begin. Generally we have between 100 and 130 pumpkins depending on their size.
With the pumpkins loaded on the tables the members started the task of carving and that is Virginia Sales and Ron Trenhaile. The pumpkins were pretty good sized this year as you can see on the table.
One of the bins full of pumpkins which is going to make for a long evening of carving. Here is one way of getting the bigger pumpkins down the grade to the station, using your foot and gravity.
Steve Atkins was using the wheelborrow to ease the task in getting the pumpkins close to the station. The group is taking a break from bringing the pumpkins down to the station.
Mitch and Michele Lane, Kathy Losely, Josh Frank, Steve and Terry Sullivan at the task of carving pumpkins. Any car that could hold pumpkins was put into service.
Pumpkins filled most of the gondolas in the storage shed. There is alot of carving to be done as I was told we had over 200 pumpkins due to another donation of them this year.
This guy looks a fright, maybe he is just afraid of heights, as he is stored on the upper lever of track. This view gives you an idea of what I meant by the upper level of tracks for storage.
Back at the station the carved pumpkins were set on the ground by a siding for the train to pick up and take them to the storage shed. This year we had pumpkins galore and we took to storing them in the car storage shed till the weekend.
Eliza Warner showing her prowess and agility at climbing the tree by the station. Sharon and Jesse Warner work on the carving of one of the masterpieces that they will create tonight.
More of the carved pumpkins that will be candle lighted and set out in the woods for the night run we hold for the Whooloween Run at the Park. Horizontal space is a premium for storing pumkins as they are brought into the storage area.
The car barn is filling up pretty good with the pumpkins. Most of the cars in storage are loaded with pumkins and the guys are setting them on the elevated rails.
Rick Nagy waits for Ron Trenhaile to finish loading his train with pumpkins for the next trip to the car shed. The loaded cars start their trip to the shed to be unloaded and stored till Friday.
Of course you would find a pumpkin carved with the initials of our club, the Lake Shore Live Steamers. We had a lot of pumpkins which when carved will make a beautiful display lighted for the night runs.
The loaded cars will make the trip to the storage shed and be back for more pumpkins. We even have pumpkins carved for the start of the riders line and at the end of the ride for the exit point. This set of photos courtesy of Pam Znidar
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