Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

10.28.09 Work Session

With the fall season comes the falling leaves which will encase everything on the ground in a blanket of leaves. Ted Nyland was in the switch shed cutting rail to make another No. 7 switch.
Some of the leaves have been blown off of the yard tracks and I can hear the blower operating in the woods. The Park has contracted to make changes to the parking area and this is some of the equipment.
They have added new drainage lines and more are to be added with the crushed stone to fill the trenches. Caught John Koontz with his blower backpack blowing the leaves off the track at the Park access road crossing near Horrendous.
A view of Johns progress on Short as he approached the main line near the water tower. With the railroad activity pretty much over the car storage barn was straightened up and Dick Clark was shuttling equipment around with his train.
Without the telephoto lens the train actually looks its size as Dick backs into the storage shed. Lew Fowler and Tom Reder watch as Joe Banzer signals to Dick.
Dick has added a folding foot rest to aide him when backing his train up. This foot rest along with his swiveling seat make it easy instead of having to crane your neck looking over your shoulder.
John has worked his way up to the station with the leaf removal from the tracks. George Woodling and Mike Harkleroad work at the task of moving the rest of the left over pumpkins from the Whooloween Run into the woods for the animals to eat.
George loading some more pumpkins into Mike's wheelborrow. Ken Brooks taking another load of pumpkins for a ride which the forest creatures will surely enjoy for the next few weeks.
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