Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session

Today is our last work session of the season at the Park. A tree service working for the Park set these safeguards over our switch posts and ties to protect the rails for two trees that they are going to cut down as they are a safety issue.
They placed railroad ties to protect our crossings and mainline track where they intend to drop the trees. A view inside to corrigated pipe section with the beam protectors around our signal stand.
John Koontz raking leaves off the Branch Line near the bridge at High Creek. Tom Reder, Bob Charles Basset and Ken Brooks finish up spreading the fill that was dumped from the last trainload.
Ken is moving the fill around a drainage pipe we have in the yard. Rick Nagy is backing the work train into the yard track so we can unload this trainload of fill.
The guys worked as in a work line with dumping the fill then raking it while the guys at the pile of river bottom sand filled buckets for Ricks return with the work train.
Well, we finished off the pile of fill and it's all in place and hopefully winter weather will settle and compact our yard area for next Springs work sessions. With the tools put away Ken, Lew and Rick take a last ride.
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