Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

12.02.09 Work Session

With the 101 work engine on the table for maintainance Lew Fowler, Steve Zaken, Rick Nagy, Frank Foti and Joe Banzer discuss the next approach. The brakes have to be put back on the rider car trucks.
Wally Pausch and Rick are telling Frank the engine wasn't running right. After the trucks were removed off the eight foot roder cars Rick and Steve watched as Dick Clark looked over the brake rigging parts in the box.
Lew and Joe work on engine 101 and find that one of the bolts holding the carburetor on to the engine is missing. Joe trying to get a bolt back into the tight quarters behind the carburetor.
Dick and Rick work on getting the brake rigging hangers back on the trucks. Frank overseeing the work that they are doing.
Joe drilling the throttle support bracket to keep the throttle handle from rotating on the one screw holding it in place. The two trucks have their brakes back on and are ready to be mounted back on the car.
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