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Christmas Party - 12/04/2011

Emmy Pausch and Sally Hewis are all smiles as Emmy gives us a toast with a glass of water! Wally Pausch, Scott Hewis, Dick Clark and Ron Trenhaile enjoy conversation before the meal begins.
Jeff Klein and Dick Mackey take time out to pose for the photographer as we had a social hour before dinner was to be served. Mary Ann Smith, Kitty Shriver and Kathy Losely enjoying a moment together.
Chet Roberts, Roberta Uhrich and Audrey Roberts take time out from their conversation to pose for the cameraman. Roberta and Michael Uhrich take time to pose for the camerman for this photograph together.
Ted Nyland and Rex Shriver caught enjoying the hospitality hour before our meal is served. Karl Losely gave the blessing before our meal was to be served.
Robbie Haines with her mother Mary Ann, Kitty and Rex Shriver, Kathy and Karl Losely enjoying each other's company at this table. At this table Diane Hopp, Mike and Roberta along with Steve Adkins and Alexandria Ukmar.
Chris Cooper, Wally and Emmy Pausch, Sally and Scott Hewis with Dena Cooper take time out to pose for the photographer. Frank Foti, Laurel Neitling and Joe Laskowski squeeze together for this photo.
Dick Mackey with his wife Cathy, Phyllis and and her significant other, Don Speidel enjoying themselves at this table. Bill Besselman with his daughter-in-law Dee and her husband John Esplandu.
Tricia and John Koontz on the left side of the table with Ted and Marie Nyland on the far side with Anna and Paul Zorko to the right enjoying themselves at this table. Chet and Audrey Roberts along with Cindy and Jeff Klein sitting next to Doris and Lou Delembo as they take time out to pose for the photographer.
Bill Deptowicz, Ron Trenhaile, Edith Hacker, Dick Clark, Rick Nagy and Judy Oscker are seated at this table. In front is Joe and Laurel, with Belinda and Ken Brooks on the far side of the table with Frank off to the right.
The serving of the food has begun and here we find Ron Trenhaile waiting for his portion of meat to be cut and served. Karl Losely holds his plate out for a meat serving that was kept in broth as you could have it either way. The servers did a great job in taking care of our needs as we passed down through the line.
One by one our group filed through the serving line filling their plates to enjoy the fine fare for the evening. This is a view of one of the two front tables and some of the presents that everyone brought for the raffle tonight.
A view of the other table with more presents that each person was asked to bring and mark whether it was intended for male, female or either. A picture of the Christmas cake that Robbie Haines brought for us to enjoy as desert.
A view across the tables at the front of the room with all the presents that will soon be raffled off. This view taken from the back of the room of those present as most have finished their dinner and patiently wait for the desert to be served.
Robbie working on cutting the cake so that all may enjoy her endeavor. Another view of Robbie as she continuous with the cutting of the cake and soon it will be served to those present.
Judy Oscker holds up the gift waiting for someone to claim the prize with a winning ticket from the raffle. Cindy Klein was the winner in this round of the drawing with many more presents to go.
It looks like Robbie is bowing to the almighty raffle poobaugh but in actuality Karl dropped the winning ticket that he drew on the floor. Now this looks like a winning table with gifts galore as Mary Ann, Kitty and Kathy open up the gifts that they have won.
Scott is talking with Don as Wally, Emmie and Sally listen to their conversation after the raffle has been concluded. Mike talking to Frank about newly acquired train cars that they got off of Discover Live Steam website.
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