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Winter Run - 12/13/08

On this cold brisk winter day Frank Foti pulls up to the loading area with East Wind to load riders. The fist load of passengers all bundled up leave the station for the first run of the day.
As Kitty Shriver talks to the passengers, Richard Sales is all smiles dressed up as Santa Claus and feeling as if he is at the North Pole. Kitty dressed up as one of Santa's Elves and loading the passengers on the trains.
The line for rides didn't get much beyond the length you see here for the two hour period we ran the trains. Mike Harkleroad using the Park engine is waiting for the all clear from Kitty so he can start his run.
Frank with East Wind working to gain speed after cresting the hill at High Creek illuminated by the sun from behind. Mike with Tom Pappas as conductor makes his way slowly through the area where the trees damaged the track.
East Wind working the 3 1/2+% grade from Gulch to High Creek. Mike coming up behind after the crossovers at Gulch. We had to run a modified course for this run because of the damaged track.
Frank bundled up against the cold passes through Fern with Bob Charles Basset as his conductor. Mike adjacent to the truss bridge with passengers that don't normally go this way on the tracks.
Richard having made his way down through Short takes the switch which will put him on the Main Line East Bound shortly. Frank pulling into the station to unload his passengers where they will be treated with a cup of hot chocolate.
A Christmas tree with lights and Christmas music was played on a CD player as Mike Uhrich manned the hot water urn to make hot chocolate. Richard leaving for another after Bob in blue coat loaded his passengers.
Mike coasting into the station with his cold passengers who will get some hot chocolate shortly. Jake Knox dressed up as a Elve with Ethan and Amy Deptowicz.
A cloud of steam vapors engulfs the trainload of passengers where they will soon pull into the unloading area. With the wind changing direction they pull into the station unhampered by the vapors.
Paul Emch showed up to run his NKP Special and has finished his run. Paul has moved up to take another load of passengers.
Judson Elliott coming around the backside of the station with the Park engine giving Mike a break so he can thaw out. Judson is given the "All Aboard!" and starts his train rolling with Tom Pappas as conductor as Ted Nyland watches.
Since the water to the station had been shut off for the winter we had to carry water from the ranger station in buckets so Frank could give East Wind a drink. Under the watchful eye of Bob, Frank starts his next run.
Virginia Sales was dressed as an Elf complete with the nose and oversized ears, I wonder if it kept her nose warm? Judson leaving with another load of passengers who were willing to brave the cold and take a train ride.
Frank's train has loaded and Bob is giving the riders their instructions because our new run today has some trees close to the track. East Wind at the station.....I don't know what she is all steamed up about!.
Paul starting another run and he has John Deptowicz as conductor and the sun is disapearing. Santa is on his way for good little (and big) boys for this run. Are you cold yet Santa?
Mike is back behind the Park engine as engineer and Ken Brooks is conductor for this run. It may be cold out but the passengers still manage to smile, after all this is fun!!!!
Mike Uhrich, Karen Studd and Dick Clark were helping with the hot chocolate and despensing the chocolate to the riders. Virginia is handing out the cups of chocolate to the passengers after they got off the train.
The riders seemed to enjoy the hot chocolate after coming back from the ride. Ted Nyland's dog wants to take a ride behind Franks steam engine as Virginia hold holds on to him.
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