Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

2.21.07 Work Session

Work continues on the crossing as we cut the guard rails to appropriate length to get in the vertical mill. Frank Foti, Dick Clark, George Woodling and Rick Nagy discuss the angles to be cut.
With the rail clamped in the vise upside down Frank starts to mill one side of the foot of the rail. George is watching the digital readout as Frank moves the table into the path of the cutter.
By milling the foot of the guard rail we can weld them to the supporting plate and maintain a 1/4" gap for the wheel flanges. George Davidson is checking flange clearance with a wheel set.
With the foot of the rail milled off they are discussing machining the end of the rail to conform with the side profile. The guys mark the angle on the rail so when it is turned over Frank will mill the correct angle.
It worked out that we had a pretty good production line going with the fitting and cutting of the guard rails. We used the 1/4" thick brass bar you see on the plate to check the spacing between rails.
Lew Fowler, Frank, Rick, Dick, George D. and Georg W. pose for the work crew picture. All that remains is to heat and bend the ends of the guard rail and have the welder fasten them down to the plate.
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