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Christmas Party 12/05/15

Our Christmas cake for the party which will be our dessert. Roberta Uhrich, Amy Deptowicz and Mike Harkleroad in conversation at the tables with gifts for the raffle.
A view of the decorated Christmas tree that will be one of the gifts along with the others on the tables. A partial view of the tables with the colorful wrapped gifts that will be given out by drawing tickets at the end of our festivities.
Sally Hewis, Emmy and Wally Pausch, Paul Emch, Scott Hewis and Barbara Emch share this table for tonights dinner. At this table we have Edith Hacker, Dick Clark, Rick Nagy, Ken and Belinda Brooks with Ron Trenhaile.
Frank Smoley, Paul and Anna Zorko along with their daughter Jen, Lois Smoley and Wayne Boron share this table. It was a pleasant surprise to see Dorothy and Bob Cook, who is a charter member of the club, in attendance with his son Rick and Tracy Cook.
Renee Czak, Donna and Steve Tomko along with Frank Foti and Mathew Tomko are sharing this table. At this table we have Trish and John Koontz, Ted and Marie Nyland with Doris and Lou DeLembo to enjoy tonights party.
At this table with everyone all smiles is Phyllis and Don Speidel, Mike Harkleroad, Valerie Bilchak and Dave Woldman. Karl Losely welcomed everyone and said grace before they started to serve the salads.
The ever smiling Bill Besselman was shunting from table to table talking with the members and guests. At the first table up front we have Julie Yedlick, Kitty Shriver, Dee and John Spandu, Bill Besselman and Andy Yedlick.
Bill Deptowicz, Amy and John Deptowicz, Ken and Joan Vendlinger along with Judy Oscker enjoyed their company at this table. At the front table in the center, Diane Hopp, Mike and Roberta Uhrich with Kathy and Karl Losely wait for the serving to begin.
With the salads being served to the individual tables our group started enjoying the food. Did you ever notice how quiet things get when the food is served?
A view of the other side of the room as members and guests wait for the main course to start being served. Looking from the back of the room towards the front at our group of attendees.
The left side of the room as the tables were cleared of the salad plates. The servers are getting ready to call the first table to the serving line where we will fill our plates and return to our tables.
Diane Hopp in the forground is adding the topping of her choice to the prime rib. As the tables were called the members and guests filed up to the serving tables.
While we were finishing up our dinner, Steve Snyder started cutting up the cake and putting it on plates. When dinner was finished, Kathy and Karl started the raffle drawing for the gifts on the tables.
We did it different this year, instead of buying tickets, you got a ticket if you brought a gift for the raffle thus everyone that donated a gift was assured to receive one. Kitty kibitzing with the
Roberta holding up her newly acquired glove..for hot pans. Now don't they really look to be in anticipation of the next item to be drawn in the raffle?
Karl seems to have this tables attention as the drawing continues. Amy unwraps the gift she won in the raffle which turned out to be a pair of coffee mugs that had spoons that had been dipped in melted chocolate with a few mini marshmallows with them.
Mike was doing the leg work delivering the gifts drawn in the raffle to the winners at their tables. Wayne upon opening his gift found he was a recipient of a large decorated bulb for a christmas tree.
Valerie opened her gift to find a box of candy. Now I know Frank didn't drink to get this point, but maybe he's going to go home and present himself as a gift to East Wind. At any rate it was a good party and thanks to all that made it possible.
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