Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session - 5/04/16

Frank Foti getting ready to spread ballast on the newly placed ballast track we put down last week, replacing the damaged track. Moving ahead slowly he spreads ballast from the chute on the other side of the car.
After backing up and the chute gate opened on this side, Frank pulls ahead with the ballast car laying down the limestone. Not only did we ballast the new track sections but we did the approaching track to the gravel pile also.
Ken Brooks and Frank shovel some ballast at the end of the rail spur where the ballast car couldn't reach. Dick Clark and Ken watch as Frank negotiates the switches to back up the main line to the station with another load of ballast.
Up at the station we put down ballast on the siding track that runs up to the passenger loading area on public run days. Frank Smoley watches as Ken pries open a chute gate with the blade of a shovel before Frank moves the train.
The crew went for another load of ballast and this is how it looks with both sides of the track having stone which just needs to be leveled down with a broom. Dave Hird checking and cleaning switches and lubricating the switch points.
Frank and Ken "manning" the shovels to load the ballast car which is the hardest part to ballasting track. As Dave works on the switches, Ken throws the appropiate switch points so Frank can back up on the track he is on all the way to the station.
Ken pries open the chute gate to continue from where they left off before (If only East Wind could see Frank now!...running a diesel). Nate Patterson and his dad Lynn watch as Dave cleans ballast from the switch with Ted Nyland approaching carrying rail.
Lynn watches as Dave and Nate clear the switch of ballast with Frank heading towards the ballast pile. Frank Smoley doing some maintainance on the club's little work engine.
Nate sweeping the excess ballast from between the rails by our water tank. Ken and Frank taking care of the track as you come back in to the station by dressing up the ballast on the track.
Bonnie and Dick, sitting at the station, watch as the ballast is spread in front of our table area. It was great to see Lew Fowler back at the track as we missed his presence at our work sessions lately.
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