Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Open Meet - 6/18/16

Dave Vinnci was in attendance and was strumming songs on his banjo in front of Shriver Station which was greatly appreciated. George Metts talking with a guest along with Bob Craig as Josh Frank prepares George's "Hit-N-Miss" Maytag engine for running.
Josh is all smiles as he is prepared to run the Hit-N-Miss engine on the Orchard Loop behind Shriver Station. Tom Bee was in attendance with his trailer full of goodies and discussing one of the items to Tom Reder.
On the sidings at the end of the station, Bob Craig's orange diesel engine reposes alongside Richard Sales' train that Dave Cryor and Richard are sitting on. Ken Brooks departing the station with a load of passengers.
Marshall Stewart at the controls of Dave Fosters' modified and detailed version of the Plum Cove engine, leaves the station with his grandmother Karen riding behind him. Dick Philpott at the controls of Joe Laskowski's interurban with Jim Rivers riding behind.
George Metts in conversation with Judy Oscker and Kitty Shriver at the registration table for the Open Meet. Dave Foster talking with Frank Smoley with Frank Foti sitting on the riding car enjoying his lunch.
Ken Vendlinger is all smiles as he heads out with his riders powered by his Reading switcher engine. Passing by the steaming bays, Alex Bruchac is the motorman for this run as he departs Shriver Station with Jim as his passenger.
Marshall watching the track ahead as he motors along on the mainline approaching the switch for Short with Karen riding behind him. Josh enjoying running the Hit-N-Miss engine with it's distinctive sound and sometimes the light spray of oil out of the stack.
Members and guests in discussion sitting on equipment by the station and that's Bob Craig's diesel he scratch-built in the foreground. Marshall starting another run with Karen riding and Dave Foster behind the train.
Ken Brooks and Mike Uhrich talking with Jim at the controls of the interurban and Alex riding behind. Frank Foti tending to chores for raising steam in East Wind as Skip Frank, Steve Tomko and his son Matthew watch the proceedings.
Frank and Jim watch as Ken Brooks loads his family on his train in preparation for another run down the mainline. Ken at the controls of his electric powered steeplecab unit as he slowly pulls out of the siding.
Dave Woldman with his newly acquired RS3 diesel engine as he starts down the track for another run. Tom Reder, sitting on bench, watches as Bob Craig advances the throttle on his diesel powered engine with his guest riding behind him.
Cory Guy running George Metts' hand powered rider on the Orchard Loop behind Shriver Station and having fun running it. In front of the station, Carley Guy arrives back from a run with the big Park engine with her dad, Greg riding behind her.
Judson Elliott back at the station with his scratch-built electric powered engine. Tom Bee's wife, Chris and Kitty Shriver take time out from their conversation for this picture of them relaxing at the registration table.
Ken approaching the station at the end of his run with his grandson Ryan Thomas and his wife Belinda riding behind him. As Dave and Karen sit on the grade wall Mark Reigle motors past with his diesel unit in front of the station.
Josh approaching the station with the Hit-N-Miss engine which must be adjusted pretty good as he doesn't look to be covered with oil specks from the exhaust. Mark leaving the station for another trip around the track.
Richard Sales was next to pass by the photographer as he headed down the mainline on another run. Dick Clark as he approaches Zip Junction heading for the Covered Bridge then the Big Bend Bridge.
A few minutes later Ryan at the controls of Grampa's train rumbled over the grade crossing after having passed thru Horrendous. Belinda Brooks stands at the approach to the Big Bend Bridge as Marshall and Karen pass by.
Jim and Alex leaving the station as they approach the switch to Short with the interurban. With Belinda walking the other way Richard pulls onto the ash pit dump track to dump the ashes from his engine.
Adam Pakeltis running the club's NKP switcher engine pulls out of a siding as he heads to for mainline with grampa Bob riding behind. Don Speidel was in attendance or should I say "Dapper Don" with his top hat, or is he just a gambler that follows the trains.
It was good to see Rick Nagy along with Frank Smoley and Wayne Boron as they sat in front of the station. Judy Oscker watches as Alex arrives back at Shriver Station runnng light.
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