Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session - 6/29/16

Dick Clark won't be here today and he brings the tools to work on the track. John Riba is running his diesel onto the lift to work on it with Paul Emch and Ron Trenhaile helping. John with the electric control box watching his engine.
If you look closely you can see the pilot on the front of the walkway is slightly bent back, a meet with a railroad tie bumper that didn't go too well. Ron suggesting how to fix the problem since it's made of quarter inch steel plate.
A view from the front as the crew discuss how to dis-assemble the plates that make up the pilot. In the woods between the Summit Bridge and Guffer, Emily Kutscher was working with Marie Nyland with the new plants being added in that area.
Marie is watering some of the new plants she just added to the area. Marie still adding more plants to the area by the Park access road near the Branch Line.
Emily planting ferns at the opposite end of the planted area from where Marie is busy. Ron and John removing the cowling shell of the engine to see where the multi pin connector that's the control connector, goes inside the hood.
John has to lift the cowling a little higher to clear the batteries. The mice have been busy building a nest on top of his sound system speaker box that he has in the unit.
His engine is powered by a Mars electric motor driving a chain sprocket down to a jack shaft into two 90 degree gearboxes powering the axles. In the Stanek Carn Barn, Paul was doing the car inspections checking on bearings, brakes and wheel gages.
Ron and John trying to get to the bolts that hold the front plates in position. It's a good thing that John's hands are smaller than mine because he can get his hand up inside the framework to get at the bolts.
In the Switch Building Shed, Ted Nyland and John Koontz were building another switch for the wye we are laying track for, to ease backing the trains up to get them in the storage shed. Ted is a master at building switches and we're hoping it will rub off on John.
Ted checking the frog position with a track gage as John waits for the O.K. to fasten the frog down to the ties. John decided not to disconnect the wiring for his handheld controller and was putting the bolts that had been removed back in place.
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