Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session - 8/03/16

When I got to the track today Greg Guy was busy painting the trim color on the back of Shriver Station. Greg had already painted the walls of the station days prior.
Greg is good at painting and had nice crisp lines for the trim and I understand that the Park informed us of the color to be used. Ken Brooks was checking out the painting as Greg moved the ladders.
We are laying track for a switch we placed and Ron Trenhaile has a wheelborrow full of ties as Bob Beardslee watches. The pile of aluminum rail that will be used to lay new track.
Dick Clark cutting the rail of an existing track panel we had to match the rail length on the switch as Frank Foti and Ron watch. Frank loosens the rail clips to move the ties to align between with the ones on the existing curve.
With the end of the existing track panel in a better position, the rail can be marked and cut to fit the frog. Ron cleans ballast from between the ties on the curve for the newly laid track panel ties to fit in between.
Dick watches as the guys add the missing ties after joining the rail together. At the other end of the track panel they connect another rail joint by bolting the two rails together.
The crew is making progress as connections are made and the intermediate ties between panels are worked on. The new switch panel is tenatively placed on the right-a-way for positioning to check alignment.
We bent the outside rails of the curve and laid them end to end to check the curvature. Back at the station, Greg was still painting and working on the front trim and doing a great job. Thanks Greg!
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