Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session - 5/03/17

The Park engine was rolled out on the equipment transfer table in preparation to remove the front truck as it was decided that we would just replace the hyd. motor. We thought that maybe the motor was worn out internally.
We found that the double chain sprockets were fabricated from two single sprockets and they were just a little too close together in that the chains were rubbing. Frank Foti loading the ballast car while Dick Clark watches.
With Dick having opened the chute gate, Frank backs the train down "Ted's Connection" trackage spreading the ballast. Ron Trenhaile, Wayne Boron(hidden behind) Frank Smoley and John Koontz standing around and under the engine as the crew tries to remove the bolts holding the motor in place.
With the hydraulic lines disconnected and hanging in a bucket to catch any oil, Frank tries to remove the mounting bolts on the motor. It's a tight fit to get in there with a allen wrench.
The engine exhaust pipe is even in the way. Tom Pappas was working at Zip Junction sweeping the ballast that was placed on the sides of the track.
With the necessary hardware removed the front truck was removed from under the engine and Frank works to remove the bolts holding the motor. Wayne is applying finesse trying to remove the stubborn chain sprocket.
Chain sprocket one... Wayne zero, proving that it hasn't been removed from the motor since it was built in the 90's. You have to give them credit in that they don't give up ...working in the hot sun.
This time they used a post under the engine frame and lowered the lift to push the chassis up so they could lift the truck out. In this view you can see the nylon rubbing block used as a chain tensioner.
The crew ballasted one of the yard leads to the main line track and it just needs to be swept. Frank backing up to our train turning track for some much needed track ballast.
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