Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session - 6/14/17

Today the track crew is resuming work on the new siding and after loading tools and shovels, Ken Brooks and Dick Scott take the work train to the work site. Dick Clark also got on the train and they are riding the rails of Mulberry 1 track to the mainline.
Judson Elliott is checking out switch no. 87 on the run around track adjacent to Mulberry 1 track. By our turn around track behind the yard we have mounds of dirt for fill that have to be moved to the new siding area.
Ken and Dick Scott start shoveling the dirt into buckets and we loaded them onto the work train. A couple more filled buckets and this train load can move the dirt to it's new location.
At the new siding area the leaves were plentiful, to say the least, so Ken started up the leaf blower. The crew watched as Ken attacked the thick covering of leaves on the ground with the blower.
The wet matting of leaves were resistant to our planned relocation of them but in the end they yeilded. With the ground cleared, the buckets of dirt were dumped and Dick Clark seemingly thinks it amounts to a drop in the bucket.
I think he is right as we are going to need a lot more dirt for fill to bring the roadbed up to grade. A few yards from our working area this four foot long black snake crossed our tracks seemingly paying no attention to us.
Going up near the ballast pile for some railroad ties I caught Judson lubricating the switch points for the switch maintainance that he does. Using railroad tie lifting tongs, four of us loaded these two railroad ties and moved them to create a bulkhead.
Since we have to add fill, a bulkhead is needed to retain the soil for our new siding so it doesn't wash away. The tie in the background will have to be leveled and anchored so we can build a bulkhead on top of it with more ties to the level of our siding.
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