Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session - 7/19/17

Greg Guy noticed we had a problem with our soffit while cleaning out the gutters, which he removed and found this damage. Greg tackled the problem by starting to remove the boards on the front of the station.
Greg was finding alot of rotten wood that was behind the gutters. The boards will need to be replaced.
Greg prying off the board as he works along the front of the station to the gable. Meanwhile out back of the Stanek Car Barn, Ron Trenhaile was testing out his engine after working on the air compressor used for brakes and his horn.
Inside the car barn Frank Smoley was doing maintainance of the Park engine adjusting the throw on the shifter lever. The second board that Greg removed showed even more decay of the boards and the plywood under the roofing.
Greg purchased some boards for replacing the fascia material and continued to tear up the roofing shingles. Park service personal brought a powered dumpster for us to put the shingles in which was a real timesaver, didn't have to handle them twice.
Some of the evident damage due to wood rotting behind the gutters once it was uncovered. This is the inside corner at the gable which projects out in front of the main roof line in front.
Greg removed the shingles back from the roof edge a little over four feet to replace the plywood. He removed the shingles all the way across the roof from the gable to expose the damaged wood.
An overall view of the work area that had the damaged wood. Since it was a work session day Dick Clark was operating the ballast sweeper on some of the track that we deposited ballast on last week.
Ken Vendlinger was using the small mower to cut the grass close to the track behind the station. The crew taking a break from all the work going on.
Greg triming the edge of the plywood on the roof to match the fascia boards that have been replaced. A big Thank You to Greg who made good progress today replacing the damaged material.
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