Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Public Run - 7/30/17

Frank Foti at the steaming bays takes time out from preping East Wind to take a picture with friends. Before each run we try to have a engineers and conductors meeting before we start running with passengers.
Frank Smoley, with his diesel switcher, starts his first run of the day with passengers loaded on his train by Ken Brooks. East Wind with Frank as engineer knuckles down to start pulling the four ten foot long loaded passenger cars trailing behind his tender.
John Deptowicz with his Snoopy train starts his run as Judson Elliott pulls up to the loading area to take on riders. Judson starting down the mainline with his first load of passengers.
Dave Woldman with his RS3 begins his run as Paul Zorko rolls to a stop at the loading area with his train. I'll have to talk to Paul as I don't see a safety belt on the teddy bear riding on the front of his engine and it isn't even holding on.
Dick Clark with his SW1500 diesel engine departs the station with a full load of passengers and Steve Zaken is his conductor. John Riba as engineer of the club's GP38 heads down the mainline with his conductor Dick Scott to watch over the passengers.
On one of the steaming bays, Mike Harkleroad was raising steam in George Metts' Camelback engine. This is a good sign, a smiling Ken Vendlinger as he departs the station with the Reading Switcher.
Frank advances the throttle on his engine after his train was loaded by Ken. Joe Vasko with his Chessie System diesel waits for Frank to clear the loading area with his passenger cars.
Dick leaving Shriver Station on Track One as he gains speed with a loaded train. Paul moves his train towards the switch that will shuttle his train to mainline trk no. 1.
John running again with a full load of passengers as he gains speed. Greg Guy, engineer of the Park engine, has just started another run with Dennis Crislip as his conductor.
John with his snoopy train playing the Snoopy theme song heads down the mainline. Joe and his train as he heads for Horrendous with his passengers, gives a wave.
Next to come by this location is Dave as he passes under the signal bridge. Judson was next to pass by with his train and a load of smiling passengers.
Paul approached my location and it must be that signal bridge as his passengers were all smiling also. It's good to see so many passengers enjoying the ride around our railroad.
Frank passing through Horrendous as he heads for Zip Junction. Paul after passing through High Creek with his train will soon be running through Horrendous.
Judson on the mainline passing by the cutoff to Short has just left the station with another load of passengers. Greg and Frank sit on their trains in front of the station after unloading the passengers.
John with the Snoopy train pulls away from the loading area with his passengers. Frank gets East Wind moving as he starts what will be his last load of public riders today.
Dick pulls up after unloading his riders and there are no more riders in the line waiting for a ride. John has unloaded his riders and takes time for a picture.
After riding all afternoon as a conductor on the rear of a train Steve can still smile, that's good. This young man took to the engineers seat on the Snoopy train for a photo after the ride.
Dick riding around the track after the run and I caught him in front of the lens at Hilton on the mainline and Branch Line crossover. The run is over but there is alot of equipment that needs to be put away.
With John Riba in the background, Tom Pappas pushes the engine he used to own onto the lift for Paul Emch to raise it up to it's storage track. John Deptowicz helps ease the equipment onto its upper level storage track.
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