Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session - 8/02/17

Sometime Monday or Tuesday the Park service had some trees cut down with most being big ash trees. This view is the area behind our tool shed looking toward the trees that were cut down.
The scene from behind the tool shed looking towards the park access road that cuts through our layout. Steve Zaken and Frank Smoley are working on replacing some bad boards in our picnic table so it can be placed behind Shriver Station.
Steve watches as Frank works on a bolt while at the other end of the table Wayne Boron does the same thing. Inside the Switch Shed, Ted Nyland and Dennis Crislip work together to build another switch.
Back outside, Dennis, Wayne, Frank and Ron Trenhaile discuss the progress working on the table. Having a problem getting the carriage bolt through from the underside of the table.
Between Gulch and Glory more trees had been cut down. A view looking from High Creek towards Gulch Bridge.
Dick Clark slowly backs the work train towards the yard lead behind Stanek Car Barn as Frank Foti watches. The ballast car negotiated over the track O.K. but the gondola Dick is riding on derailed.
After rerailing the gon and dumping the ballast, Frank started sweeping it down. Dick took the train back to the ballast pile where John Koontz, using the front end loader, refilled the ballast car.
Behind the storage barn, Frank with a shovel keeps the ballast flowing to the gate valve at the bottom of the hopper. Ted and Dennis finished the switch they were working on so Dick backed down the track where it was loaded on the train.
With the switch panel loaded on the train Dick heads for it's destination by Pandora. Down by Bridge #6 near Fern we found a few more trees had been cut down as they layed in between trees cut down last year.
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