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Public Run - 10/17/17

Dennis Crislip uses a screwdriver to clean out the used wax from the clay pots which will have new candles inserted for lighting the pumpkins for this years night run. John Koontz used a sawsall to cut out the pumpkin tops.
Trish Koontz and Judy Oscker are cleaning out the insides of the pumpkins, preparing them for carving. The Park provides us with three bins of pumpkins which is generally 120 pumpkins for us to clean and carve for the Whooloween Run.
We kept the pumpkins lined up on the table that already had the top sawed out by John and when they were cleaned out they were set on the ground. Wednesday is a normal work day on the track for us and Ken Vendlinger was cutting the grass in our area.
Dennis was joined by Ron Trenhaile to clean out the clay pots. Lauren Pauline of the Park service was helping to take an owl for a walk to get them out of the caged area for a while.
Lauren and Pat Morse stopped by as we were processing the pumpkins and I took pictures of the Barred Owls, named Hunter and Hemlock. Pat with Hemlock, a fine feathered friend who because of a broken wing will not be able to be released back into the wild.
Tom Pappas, Dick Clark on the train with Bob Pakeltis and Judy cleaning pumpkins. Bill Deptowicz starting on his pumpkin carving with a design suggested by Pat Morse.
We have a good group of attendees ready to carve up some pumpkins that will be set out along the track and candle lighted for the Whooloween night run this coming Friday and Saturday. A view of the activity at the station.
Mike Uhrich works on his pumpkin with his wife Roberta standing alongside of him. Another picture of the workers at Shriver Station keeping busy to whittle away at the 120 pumpkins that need to be carved.
Ken Vendlinger after getting the grass cut took time to work on pumpkin carving. Judson Elliott didn't look up, he was really into the carving of his creation.
Bill looks over his carving to check it out to see if he is satisfied with the results so far. At least for another week or so another owl will join the ranks of owls at the Park even if it is only a carving.
Adam Pakeltis works on making a pumpkin with two faces that will be seen at Horrendous where we have two way traffic. As evening wears on the group thins out and we are down on the number of carvers with alot of pumpkins yet to go under the knife.
Ken and Judson load the finished pumpkins into the train to be stored until Friday when they will be set out along the track for the run. A view of the activity still going on at the station.
This view shows that evening is settling in as the sun is going down. Some of the carved pumpkins loaded in the train which will be going into a storage barn.
By the looks of the template, Mike is going to duplicate a train on his next pumpkin carving. Ethan Deptowicz starts to draw an outline on the side of his pumpkin that he is going to carve out.
It's good to see the younger set helping out with the pumpkin carving as they use their ingenuity for designing an image. Another train has pulled into the station with empty railroad cars to be loaded with pumpkins.
Judy Oscker was in the station when this gigantic spider dropped down from the ceiling rafter onto her head and it was touch and go for a moment. Looking over a shoulder we see a witch taking shape on this pumpkin.
Look how they tilt their heads as they work on their creations being carved into the pumpkins. Roberta looks over to see what Mike is working on with his carving.
Judy looks like she could get along with this momma rat, at least it doesn't frighten her. It looks like a bat sitting on a pumpkin with this creation.
Ethan continues to carve his pumpkin as he works on the "teeth" of the face. John Deptowicz is carving the word "BOO" which should show up nicely with a candle inside.
The finished pumpkin can now be added to the carved specimens that were created tonight. John and his son Ethan showing off some of their work completed this evening.
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