Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session - 6/13/18

One of our members, Dave Foster, welded up the crossing out of steel rail for us and Ron Trenhaile is removing ballast on one side of the track to move it over for alignment to the crossing. After cutting the existing track the short panel was removed.
John Koontz, Ken Brooks remove existing ballast for the crossing with Frank Foti and Ron Trenhaile taking a breather. Frank and Ron hammer on the rail joiner clips before putting the crossing in place between the aluminum rails.
Dick Clark watches as Frank cuts the track panel that we removed for the pieces to fit up to the crossing. Frank trims the end of the steel rail with our portable cut off wheel tool.
With one side of the track crossing fitted up, Ron holds the track panel while John cuts through the rail. Close up of John cutting through the steel rail.
Frank fills in the gaps with new ties and fastens the rail down to them. With new ties in position and the crossing connected to the existing track sections the existing track panels are aligned with the crossing.
Dick Scott and Ron hold the ballast car as Frank shovels limestone onto the track. Ron Vendlinger and Wayne Boron check out what the crew is doing as Ken and Ron look over the ballasted track that needs to be swept down and we're done.
A view of the crossing that we just put in after the track has been swept down after leveling and tamping. This view looking from the crossing towards the Covered Bridge at the re-ballasted track.
A view of the crossing from the opposite end looking back North. This view looking from the siding off of the main line, that cuts around and heads back to the Big Bend Bridge
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