Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session - 3/13/13

Bonnie Zaken had brought corn beef, cheese, potato salad and rye bread along with cake and cookies for dessert for today's meal. Dick Clark working on adjusting the cams on the brake linkage on the club's riding car.
Frank Smoley is checking out the brake shoes and the springs in the side frames of the truck. Time to eat and Dick Clark, Wayne Boron, Dave Cryor, Frank Smoley, Rick Nagy are seated at the table with Aaron Slitz walking out of the picture.
Aaron came over on his lunchtime and has made application to be an associate member of the club and joined in with us to enjoy lunch. Steve and Bonnie Zaken put the deserts on plates for the guys that didn't take any the first time around.
Ted Nyland is working on adding the vinyl lettering that he made for the ballast sweeper on the sides of the housing. And this is what he has so far. I asked him how he got the number #0662 but found out that it was published in our newsletter, I must've missed it.
Frank Foti still working on this putting the side rods back on East Wind because we have our March train show coming up in a week. Today we also celebrate Frank Foti's birthday and as such Edith went to a dollar store and bought this banner. I guess if you would've paid full price they could of spelled out the word birthday, but we did get a good laugh out of it.
Aaron Slitz so graciously bought the birthday cake for Frank today for the crew to enjoy. Edith Hacker along with Dick and Ken Brooks caught in conversations as we made preparations for the cutting the cake.
Bonnie set out more food which included some items that Lois Smoley provided for us to snack on. Dave Cryor in the background as Frank and Edith pose for a photo together for the celebration of Frank's birthday.
Dave and Dick wait as Steve and Wayne Boron load their plates with Bonnie looking on from behind them. After singing happy birthday to Frank he did the honors of cutting the cake.
A view of most everybody that joined in the celebration of Frank's birthday as he continues to cut the cake for those present. A view of the rest of the group that were standing off to the left and out of the view of the camera for the first picture. We had a good time.
The crew transferred the ballast sweeper from the fixed stand to Frank's mobile lift in preparation for taking it back to the Park. As Wayne and Ted steady the sweeper Paul Zorko opens up the hole in the coupler pocket for a thru pin.
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