Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session - 4/06/11

Rick Nagy, proud owner of a new Canon camera displays his new camera for the photographer. The GP38 sitting on the table with its shell back on, already to be moved back to the Park.
Edith Hacker showed up with Dick Clark to help us clean the area upon our departure from Hose Master (our winter work headquarters). Steve's boxcar shell will remain at Hose Master until later.
Dave Foster, Ken Brooks, Frank Foti and Dick Clark after just having loaded the Park engine into Ken's pickup truck. Dave and Ken lifting one of the new rider cars that Dave and a crew are building onto the hoist to load into one of the pickup trucks.
The GP38 rolling gingerly off the work table onto the lift to be transported to the waiting pickup truck. Frank and Rick transport our passenger car with the repaired roof to one of the pickup vehicles.
Edith's cleanup of the area is going well. Ken, Dick and Steve as they load Steve's rider car, which is the base unit for his boxcar shell, into Dick's pickup truck.
The GP38 and Park engine nestled into Ken's pickup as he starts to tie down the load for the trip to the Park. Dave and Rick transporting two straddle cars to the trucks for travel back to the Park.
Rick, Frank, Ken and Dave rolling a straddle car into Dave's pickup as Dick watches the proceedings. With the straddle cars loaded, Ken and Dave proceed to tie down the load with safety straps.
Dave, Ken and John Koontz roll the Park engine onto the lift on a cold, wet day as Edith watches. The GP38 on the lift ready to be lowered to the grade level track with George Metts behind the engine, Paul and Rick standing to the right.
After getting the Park engine off-loaded, we found we had a dead battery and in need of a jump start. The guys pulled the GP38 along side, took off its hood, and put the jumper cables across the battery to the Park engine.
The GP38 without hood, being used as a starter battery source to get the Park engine running. With Paul's help, Dave taking off the air cleaner to spray starter fluid into the Park engine since we added a new gas tank and gas lines.
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