Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session - 4/14/10

Mark Ross working on freeing up the throw on a switch near the yard. George Metts and Bob Pekeltis head for the station for a coffee break.
Rick Nagy adding ballast near the points of a switch in Horrendous as Dick Clark watches. Bob, Rick and Dick watch as John Koontz speads a bucket of ballast.
We dressed up the ballast on the wye switch at Shoe. Edith Hacker was removing the leaves from one of the many areas Marie Nyland planted with foilage plants.
With the ballast train sitting on the mainline at Filmor the Branch line track got dressed off. Bob dumping a bucket of ballast as John goes back to the train for another full bucket.
Work continues and those buckets of ballast get heavy after a while of lifting a few and dumping them. Of coure if you dump the buckets you have to return to our ballast pile of stone and refill the buckets as John is waiting for the train to arrive.
The forward and reverse cable came loose so Joe Banzer, Lew Fowler, Ken Brooks and Dave Foster are going to take the hood off and check out the problem. Dick and Rick talk to Dan Burnett of the Park Service.
Joe looking over the pink sprayed area that shows the area our new lift will occupy to raise cars to the five rows and three levels in the Stanek car barn. The guide rail position that the carriage will ride on at this end.
We moved things around to accommodate whole trains without breaking them down after a run. Jerry Bell is taking over the switch maintainance from Ron Trenhaile and is checking out the spring tension on the switch throw.
Ahh, spring is in the air as this Magnolia tree by our car storage shed starts to open it's blooms. George taking a photo of the photographer taking a photo of George. Say that three times fast.
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