Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session - 4/15/09

With George Woodling and Lew Fowler in the background, Joe Banzer sprays the tubing connections to the air compressor too check for a leak as Rick nagy watches. No bubbles, but the compressor still kicks in too often.
All the rain we have had in the last two days really has the water in the gorge running fast and noisy. The crew took a switch down the main line to see what was required for the switch off the main to the new yard.
After checking we decided that we have to build a new switch from the ones we have in stock. Rick is waiting to move the club engine back into the barn after Joe and Lew couple the engines together.
Lew and Rex Shriver watch as Ron Trenhaile and George remove guide clips after Ron shortened the rod for the switch throw. The new switch stand is much closer to the switch now.
I told the guys that the old switch post obstructed the view so I removed the first switch stand by pulling it out of the ground. Ken has his hand on the second one. Ken worked the post back and forth but it didn't want to come out.
Ken is trying to dig out the post as George bends it over but it doesn't want to come out. George swinging the pipe with a huge concrete blob on the end of it trying to knock the railroad tie grade beam back in place. "Just don't make him wouldn't want to see him angry"
The railroad tie's back into position and backfilled, but I told Ron that switch throw won't work in that position. George levels out the gravel at the base of the tie.
Ron finishes refastening the switch stand back on the leveled tie with George and Ken looking on. Another project finished and all we have to do tonight is put away the tools.
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