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Business Meeting at Lake Front Lodge - 4/18/09

Jon, Ethan and Amy Deptowicz With Bret and Linda Harris and Emmy Pausch in discussion while waiting for dinner to be served. Kitty Shriver and Kathy Losely were assisting Robbi Haines putting the food out on the table.
Robbi has started putting the food on the tables as the members help themselves to the snacks. Lew Fowler, Ron Trenhaile and Ken Brooks listen to Frank Foti tell a "tall" one as Rick Nagy watches.
The members are waiting for the food to be set out and after supper we will have an election to fill one spot for a trustee. Then after elections we will commence with our meeting as the votes are counted.
Ken Vendlinger is sitting with Deb and Bill Bodemer with Rex Shriver standing. Marie and Ted Nyland along with Edith Hacker patiently wait for the dinner call.
A view looking across the hall of the membership as the meeting is in session. Dick Clark records the meeting as our Secretary Maggie Dellmore and our President Frank Foti run the meeting tonight.
The group listen as we are told that our newest trustee, Karl Losely just barely beat out Roger Harnish for the position. The next few pictures are of the setting sun viewed from the Lake Front Lodge.
John Deptowicz took the pictures of the setting sun. What more can you say about the beauty of a setting sun going down over water.
Back inside, the meeting is over and the group bought tickets for the Chinese Raffle for the donated items on the tables and are just waiting for the drawing to begin.
Robbi handled the drawing by having someone draw a ticket out of the container in front of each item that was being raffled off. We had some nice raffle prizes to give away because of the generosity of some of our members who donated the items.
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