Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

April Business Meeting - 4/21/2012

The members are enticed to attend the business meeting with a free meal so we will vote in the elections for new officers/trustee. Another view looking across the front of the room and something has their attention that they're all looking forward to the head table.
A view across the tables of food with the pizzas, pasta, salad, cheeses and dips with the beverages on the far side that you served yourself. A view from the back of the room looking forward to the right-hand side as the members enjoy their meal.
The view looking forward on the left side of the room at those present for the meeting. Pretty soon the meeting will start and we will take care of the business at hand for the election of officers and a replacement for one trustee.
Dick Clark our editor for the Mail Bag newsletter tapes the meeting and Maggie Dellmore is the secretary, Karl Losely our president, with Kitty Shriver filling in for our treasurer Roberta Uhrich. Ballots for voting were passed out for the members to vote on for the candidate of their choice.
The members looking intent on their decision for the candidate of their choice. Robbie Haines sold tickets for the raffle tonight for a great many prizes that we had and here she starts the raffle of the first item.
John Deptowicz collecting his items he won in the raffle from Robbie. The raffle continued with many members watching over their ticket numbers as Robbie called out the winning numbers.
Ken Brooks seated left in the picture is the new president of the Lake Shore Live Steamers. Robbie getting ready to call out the winning number that Dave Foster handed her with Kathy Losely on the right and Ken in front at left.
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