Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

4.26.06 Work Session

Dave Foster and Dick Clark going over the track plan and working out where the signal posts for two way running should be placed. Edith Hacker going over the sign-in sheets adding up the volunteer hours.
Dick brought the double crossing that Track Crew 7 made for installation at Filmor. Dick with the work train and crossing plate backing down the hill to Filmor.
Dick sawing rail after using the crossing for a template and marking the track for cutting. Lou DeLembo with Joe Banzer assisting cut the steel rail.
With both tracks having the required amount of track removed we took a break. George Davidson starts to trench the sub ballast to bury the conduit for the signal system.
Discussing how the plastic conduit will be routed, under or alongside of the bridge. The shallow trench for the conduit to be routed alongside the bridge.
Dave drives a stake in the ground to hold the 1" conduit in place while it gets covered with ballast. Next the crossing is put into place to check the level of fill.
Dick puts more ballast under the plate to level it out. Dave and Joe continue trenching for conduit as Dick taps the rail joiners on each rail for the crossings as Lou and George Metts (in background) watch.
George Woodling showed up just in time to fasten down the rail as Dick measures a rail for cutting. Lou, Joe and Dave continue the trenching for conduit from Filmor towards Fern Siding
Dave and Lou play "weave it around through the trees" after they glued up a thirty foot section of conduit. Dave reaches for the glue as Lou starts to place the conduit in the trench as Joe holds the other end.
This end is glued to the sections from the crossing and dirt is being put on top of the pipe to hold it in place. George is fastening the rail to the ties and we head to the station for supper.
At the station we see the electric cab that Terry Sullivan detailed after he got it from Matt Philpott. Brandon Sullivan at the controls of the engine getting ready to depart.
After supper we continued with the conduit installation toward Fern Siding until we ran out of the conduit cement. After taping the pipe end the rest of the conduit was covered.
Clayton, George and Joe wait for George to finish fastening the rails down to the ties. Dick on the work engine is the first train to run over the newly installed crossing.
Dick Mackey oversees Roger Harnish, George and Clayton fill buckets from the ballast stone piles. Roger dumping a bucket of ballast as we raise the track coming from Bruce to meet the new crossover.
Ron Trenhaile lays a piece of rail across the gap to see how we are doing. Heading back to the station we find Ray Dellmore, Jerry Bell and Rex Shriver working on replacing switch points that have worn out.
One of the problems of building a stretched out switch to match rail conditions it that standard switch points don't fit when you need replacement parts.
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