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Work Session - 4/27/09

Ken Brooks and George Woodling are cutting the right-a-way down a little deeper and leveling it out more for our new yard approach track. Wally Pausch joined us as we continued the process down the hill toward the Branch Line.
The guys take a breather and the stakes are the approximate center line of the track. That's the Branch Line track to the right and we are cleaning up the right-a-way to the left of it for our new yard line.
Rick Nagy joined us as the guys are leveling the fill we set down last fall. Ken skims the gravel that was put down to level it under George's watchful eye.
We had dumped the blue clay for the right-a-way last year that we got when the Park cut in a new pond and Wally is trying to level it. You can see the main line behind George which this new trackage will tie into.
Ken, George, Rick, Dick Clark and Wally discuss what we will need to tie into the main, a wye or regular switch. Dick, our TrackMaster, gave us his blessing on the work we have accomplished so far.
A view looking down towards the main line from the Branch Line of our leveled right-a-way. Up at the car barn Ted Nyland was working on his interurban that is up on the lift as Ken Vendlinger and George Metts watch.
Bob Davidson looks to be pondering something as Joe Banzer and Dave Foster change the battery in the club engine for a larger one. Dave had made a spacer plate to mount the battery up higher to clear the hydraulic hoses.
Dave drills through to the existing base mounting plate for the new battery mount. A couple of more holes to be drilled and the bracket will be able to be installed.
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