Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

5.09.07 Work Session

For setting the building posts we set a 8x8x4 conc block at the bottom of the hole, lowered the post, dumped a bag of concrete and backfilled the hole making sure the post was square and plumb.
While we were setting posts Dick Clark and Rick Nagy were checking out the passenger rider cars. The guys took a break after setting all the posts on the south side of the building.
George Davidson checks the string as Frank Foti notices me taking the picture and Dave Foster is cleaning out a hole. The end posts on the north side have been set and George is tightening the string.
This shed should provide a lot of storage. George and Lew Fowler carry more lumber from the stockpile.
Meanwhile Jerry Bell got the gas grill out of the shed and pulled it up to the station. When he stopped this friend crawled out of the grill and went into a burn pile we have at the station.
Jerry was saying "He ain't no friend of mine" and if he knew the black snake was in the grill he wouldn't have touched it...Jerry just doesn't like snakes.
Since Jerry didn't want to stay around and play with his new found friend the snake slithered back to the storage shed. Frank, Dave and Lew set another post as Dick watched.
Frank and Dave encountered a root that was at the bottom of the hole and that's Don Speidel behind them. Because of the new Park fence Edith Hacker and Clayton Davidson are reworking the dirt for plants.
Ted Nyland starting the layout of ties for building a new switch in the shed. Marie was busy moving plants and bushes from the area in front of the new fence that will have some of the dirt removed for transfer table access.
Back at the station Kitty Shriver was cutting the grass when mother nature caused a delay until the "kids" could get out of the way. After the Mallard ducks safely cleared the area Kitty continued her chore.
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