Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

5.16.07 Work Session

Ron Trenhaile made it possible for us to obtain these plastic pipe so Dick Clark picked up this load and brought them to the track. The ballast train sits as the rain dampened everything, time for a work break.
The bottom form boards have been carrried into place and will be attached at the concrete slab level. These boards will be attached to the posts and used for finishing the concrete floor to their height.
A view from the East end of the yard looking West. Ted Nyland removing the burrs on the bottom of the rail after drilling the holes through the flange for attachment screws.
Lew Fowler takes a breather as Paul Emch digs for a while with a posthole digger. George Metts and Wally Pausch look like they are trying to move the post.
This picture shows that they are only marking the posts for the intermediate 2x4 location that will support the siding. With one level in place Dave and Wally add second board to the bottom to retain the concrete from the floor.
Paul is getting close to the depth required for this post hole. This picture shows the second board at the bottom much better and we will backfill around it.
With the light rain that was falling everyone got wet. Paul, Dave, Clayton Davidson, Frank Russell and George relax after picking up tools. The progress to date on the shed.
Ron showed up with another load of plastic pipe so we unloaded the pipe and added it to the pile. It looks good and we have an assortment of sizes and the rain continued to fall.
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