Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

6.16.06 Open Meet

Don Spiedel and Dave Schweitzer doubleheading their train load of passengers. Dave Foster taking his family for a ride through the woods behind the GP38.
Karl Losely coasting into the station with the Hudson. Bob Beardslee in the process of putting his engine back in running condition after the boiler test.
Dick Mackey brought his Camelback which has a new boiler for the boiler pressure test. Dick Mackey, Roger Harnish and Mike Uhrich in a discussion as Mary Lou pulls into the station.
Matt Philpott brought this newly acquired interurban which is electric powered. Bill Bodemer is at the controls of Dick Philpotts Dinky Creek train just past Pandora.
Bill with the club engine passes Jeff on the Big Bend Bridge with our two way traffic. Just had to quickly snap this shot as I passed Dick Clark waiting for the signal to clear at Horrendous. Impatient maybe?
Frank with Diana Mitchell and Ron Rose pass by me at Horrendous. Karen at the controls of Joe's interurban rounding the curve coming into the station.
Matt Philpott reaching out for the switch stand to clear the block and my red signal. With the fire banked the Hudson and the other engines wait as owners head for the picnic pavilion to chow down..
Roger checks off the guest list for those in attendance for the steak dinner. Dave Foster, our club president, did the welcoming speech and thank you to Robbi, the cooks and all those who helped for the cookout.
Those in attendance wait patiently after eating for the raffle to start. Robbi did the number calling of the tickets that Alyssa picked out of the pail.
The group waiting for the winning number of the last few raffle prizes to be called out. Karl bringing the Hudson back to life as Bill Hayes from Michigan and Rex Shriver discuss Rexs' train.
Marcel on the Hudson at the coaling tower ready to depart. Dick leaving the station with Dick Mackey, Margaret and Ray Dellmore as passengers.
Neal Smith with headlight and ditch lights on, passing through the station. Out from under the trees its lighter as you can see Neals' train ahead but darkness is settling in.
Time shot of the station about 10 p.m. with the group thinning out. Edith Hacker looking good on Sunday morning all dressed up unlike the clothes she wears for our Wednesday work sessions.
Rex Shriver at the controls of his switcher with the video camera mounted on the hood. Rick Nagy with Dave's speeder on Pandora reverse track. Running this way will bring you back to the station in the opposite direction.
Ron Trenhaile leaving the station with his battery powered F40ph diesel. As we pass Zip Junction we find George Metts with his Maytag Hit n Miss waiting on Short line for traffic to clear.
Sitting at Fern waiting for Bob Beardslee to clear the block and my red signal. Later on we find Ron at the opposite end of the same block at High Creek reaching out to trip the switch to clear the block as he leaves it.
Rick Nagy camped all week for the work sessions preparing the track for the Open Meet and was our security also. His camp got dubbed the "Hemlock Hilton" which he took down later in the day on Sunday
Clayton Davidson coming back to the station after giving his grandmother Marilyn a ride. Mike and Roberta Uhrich with his boxcab engine he built this spring coming in to the station.
My son Bill Deptowicz sitting behind Bill Bodemer had his first train ride and was impressed with the track. Caught LSLS member Don Gray sitting on a log at Big Bend Bridge taking pictures.
Clayton passes us at Horrendous with the engine that his grampa George is building for him. Marcel Uhrich giving a friend a ride on "Scrappy" behind the station.
Frank Foti at the station taking on air for the brakes. Jerry Bell and Pam Znidar eastbound at the station with the Park engine.
Dick Philpott who made up the electronic controller for George Woodlings little trolley gets reacquainted as he takes it for a ride. Neal Smith rounding the curve at the station with his double-headed Dash 9's.
Jonathan Shaffer and Edith Hacker at the station discussing todays events. Kitty Shriver relaxing as she makes up the pot scrubbers that she sells for the club at our Public Runs.
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