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LSLS Open Meet - 6/19/10 Part II

As Rex parks his engine to take a break, Frank thunders by with East Wind belching smoke as he approaches the station. After the smoke clears we see Cornelius Gould and his son Ben in the last car of Franks' train.
John Koontz as motorman with a guest rider on Teds' pair of interurbans as they come into the station. Rex and Steve are waiting to follow Carmen and Mark into the station.
Ron Trenhaile, Roger Harnish and Chan in discussion with Rex in front of the steaming bays. Logan trying out his hand at being motorman with Ted behind him as they leave the station.
What are friends for that they try to sell my scratch-built NKP caboose to THEMSELVES! Richard with a new flat car load as he backs into the Orchard Yard to park.
Ken Vendlinger is waiting for traffic to move out of the station ahead of him. Ethan at the controls of Snoopy with his Dad, John, with Edith Hacker and Bonnie Zaken riding behind him and Logan standing.
Bob doing a blow-down of his boiler with Mike assisting as it is nearing time for the steak cookout. Joes' interurban is parked in one of the sidings by the station.
David Haines tending to a grill full of steaks which of what you see is a very small portion of what was served up. The membership and friends are starting to fill up the pavillion before the food is served.
Views of the rows of tables of those in attendance for the steak cookout we had after the run today. The second row of tables.
The third row and everyone seems to be enjoying the food and fellowship of friends. We had a good turnout for todays running and cookout.
Dick and Rick running side by side towards Horrendous will soon diverge to separate routes. Frank coasting down grade with East Wind and pointing at the photographer.
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