Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session - 7/08/09

Dave Foster checking out the progress the crew had made with the foundation trenches and found the forms for the end abutments. Wally Pausch approaches as Dave takes a load of ties to the storage pile.
Wally, George Woodling and Ken Brooks are placing and tamping the ballast for the newly completed track #4 into our Stanek Car Barn. A switch that was tentatively positioned at the end of our yard for the next track going into the barn.
Dick Clark, Rick Nagy and Lew Fowler work at leveling and tamping the new track. Dave, Wally and John Koontz work on the drainage problem where four sidings will eventually be in this area.
While the crew worked at the low end of the sloping pipe George cleaned out the area in front of the existing pipe. Here we have our Model 64 excavator affectionately called Edith Hacker who probably has done more digging in the club than any other.
Mentor Lumber showed up with our order of lumber for the covered bridge. The driver made the process of unloading look easy, all you need is the right equipment.
Ken looking at our progress so far and we are ready to bury this section of pipe.Whie we worked on the pipe, the crew was making and laying more track panels about fifty feet away.
Rex Shriver checks our progress as as the crew continues with track three leading to the storage barn. Rick has the honor of running the first train into our new storage barn on track #4.
Edith and Lew Fowler watch as Wally chops a root uncovered in the trench we are digging. We started backfilling the trench with gravel to fill the irregular voids along side of the pipe and will top it off with dirt.
Pam Znidar was surprised by Kitty Shriver, her mother, with a 49 1/2 year old birthday celebration. Folks, you saw it here first. A picture of the cake pronouncing the same.
Pam blowing out the candles with the club members watching and waiting for a piece of cake. After supper we placed the first form in place for the covered bridge foundation.
Mike Harkleroad, Rex Shriver and Jerry Bell on far side of truck with Karl Losely, Kitty Shriver and Mike Uhrich decide the next work session on the bridge. Jerry and Karl watch as Mike is in the trench digging.
Kitty oversees as Karl and Mike lower another form into the trench after enlarging it a bit. The wood for the bridge framing is loaded up to take to Mike's place for a work party to be held there.
The center concrete form has been put into place and with some addition shoring I think we will be ready to place concrete. Jerry and Ron Trenhaile lower the last end abutment form in place.
The crew checking to see that the forms are level. Mike talking to Rick who brought the work train over so the dirt from the foundations can be transported to cover that newly laid pipe in the yard.
George watches as Jerry and Mike dig out the trench some more to try and level the form. Last thing they did tonight was to secure the area with the caution banner. The last eleven photos were taken and provided by Pam Znidar
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