Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

7.12.06 Work Session

The crossings at High Creek where two weeks ago the rain water was cascading over the track. Frank Foti and George Woodling struggle to move the wheelbarrow full of dirt after one handle broke.
Frank and George managed to get the wheelbarrow down to the fill area without dumping the load. Edith Hacker, George Davidson and Rick Nagy digging for our new culvert at the crossings.
We got a good start at undermining the track for the new 8" pipe. Edith trying to pull out a stone which this area just seems to have an abundance of along with roots.
Joe Banzer is helping Edith work on getting a root cut out of the way. It's hard trying to turn the cutters between all those tracks to get a hold of the roots as Joe and Frank give words of support.
Joe removes more dirt and the roots that Edith is cutting. The 8" piece of pipe we had wasn't long enough and George Metts said we could have a 10" piece of green plastic pipe he had at home...problem resolved.
We got enough of the trench as deep and as wide as we needed and did a trial fit with the pipe. The 10" piece will slide over the 8" pipe to set the length that we need.
George and Joe continue with the trenching down the hill to ease the water flow as Rick behind them rakes out the ballast at the tracks. The finished outfall of the pipe with ballast added and it's starting to rain.
The guys continue the trench under a tree that has long fallen and nature is starting to reclaim it. Bill Deptowicz finished putting the stones at the headwall to guide the water towards the pipe and the rain continues.
After taking a break at the station because of the heavy rain we return and find that the culvert is working. Now the trench digging is really sloppy with all that water to contend with.
George tosses a root that Frank just chopped out that was in the trench under water. Frank all splattered with mud from the chopping of roots.
The Branch Line looking North from High Creek in the rain and the water has been diverted to the west. The hillside above the crossings at High Creek and you can see how the water comes down the grade.
The new trench under the log is working. Heading back to the station for supper this view of the Truss Bridge from Fern in the rain with the woods all steamy in appearance.
A view of the tracks looking South towards Zip Junction on Short Line. Roger Harnish did the cooking on the grill for tonights supper for a tired and wet work crew.
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