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7.17.09 Special Friday Work Session

Karl Losely showed up at the Park with his excavator and started removing the dirt and gravel between the new foundations we placed for the covered bridge. Jerry Bell and Roger Harnish watch as the bucket removes the dirt.
Karl uncovered the existing gray pipe that was used for drainage under the track. Working around the center foundation we stripped off the concrete forms.
It would have taken us hours to dig it out this much by hand. Jerry and Roger watch as Karl gets closer to the foundation so we can strip those forms off also.
Most of the three foundations are exposed and the forms are removed. Karl is cleaning up the grade to slope it down grade as Roger shovels the dirt away from the foundation.
Some of the 2x10' have been brought down to the excavation which will span the ten feet between foundations. Jerry bringing the generator and more 2x10's down with the work train.
Karl and Roger carry the first few beams into place. Bill Deptowicz, Karl, Roger and Jerry work to assemble the box beam structure to support the track.
The cross struts were screwed in and laminated with another 2x10 on the outside. Ron Trenhaile joined us and you can see how we made a laminated box beam.
A view from the side to show the span which is on a sight grade rising to the right which is about 2 inches. Ron, George Metts and Wally Pausch work on fastening down the ties to the box beam.
Roger sweeps the ballast off between the rails on the approach track that we reballasted. Wally and Ken Brooks add new ties where required as Kitty Shriver and Rex watch while Roger tamps ballast beyond the bridge abutment.
It rained and we took for cover until it let up and Ray Dellmore is tamping the ballast to the west end approach. The rain just made it a mud hole to work in as Rick Nagy checks over the ties.
Rick working on replacing another tie as Jerry, Ray and Ken watch the progress. What a muddy mess, but we continue to work and finish this, then we all head to Mike's place to work on the trusses.
Mike Uhrich, Karl and Ray man the miter saw to cut the bevels for the truss. Jerry getting ready to screw the first members together as Mike Harkleroad, Ken and Rick watch.
Ray holding the lumber for support as Karl cuts the 2x4. Wally and Ken hold the strut in place as Jerry powers the screws into place to complete the connection.
The side truss is starting to take shape as the vertical members are diagonally braced. Almost done with the first truss and it stopped raining.
Rick watches as Karl cuts a small strut that Ken is holding that will go on the end of the panel. Two trusses done and now all we need to do is make two more but a mirror image to the first two.
Bill Deptowicz used one truss to make a jig for the roof trusses you see at left stacked up. The finished roof trusses for the bridge.
Kathy Losely, Kitty, Pam Znidar and Mike with Ron and Ray on the tailgate before dinner was served. After dinner we loaded the framing on to Karl's trailer an posed for this picture.
Another group shot before we headed back to the track with our load of framing. It took four to unload a truss and here is Karl, Rick, Jerry and Ray carrying it over to the pile of lumber.
Mike was hefting one end so we could get a hold of the truss to lift it off the trailer. The trusses are all stacked up and just the roof trusses need to be stacked and we can call it a day.
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