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Work Session - 7/20/2011

Pat and Natalie of the Park Service get things ready for the first group of youngsters coming in for the Tremendous Trains Program. After Roger Harnish's talk, the youngsters and their parents get a ride on a train with Rick Nagy as the engineer and Paul Zorko as conductor.
The group unloading after returning back to the station. Roger firing up his Pacific on one of the steaming bays after the first Tremendous Trains class.
His engine sitting with the blower on the smokestack as the temperature rises in the boiler. Meanwhile, out back behind the Stanek Car Barn Frank Foti and Bill Deptowicz are leveling the grade for the extension of our yard.
Since the grass was so high, Frank got the lawnmower to cut the grass down so we could easily see where the high spots were. The guys take a break with this view of the fill that we've spread by the grade wall.
We still have a ways to go as the guys take a break. Lew Fowler, Joe Banzer and Judson Elliott confer on the next repair to the Park's engine, which always seems to be needing service.
Roger talks to the next group as they arrive before taking them over to the steaming bays. Once they are gathered around the engine, Roger starts describing the working parts and how an engine generates steam.
Here Roger is answering a question from one of the youngsters about the engine. The Ridler family was signed up for this session of the Tremendous Trains program.
Roger's engine sitting on the lead in to the steaming bays as he continues his explanation of the working parts of the engine. Natalie listens as Roger continues his description of the workings of a steam engine.
Roger concludes his description of the workings of the steam engine and is preparing to move on to the next part of the program. While this was going on, John Elliott was on our riding mower cutting the grass behind the station as today is still a work day session for us.
The next part of the program was to explain the different types of cars and different kinds of loads they could carry. A youngster enthralled with the passenger car stoops down to get a closer look.
Rick as engineer takes this group on their ride as they pass through Shoe on their way to the Covered Bridge. Here they come on the back side of the station nearing the end of the run.
Jeff Ridler is departing the station with his train loaded with more of the attendees. The last of the group loading on the train for their ride, concluding the Tremendous Trains program.
With the rides over, Rick backs onto the siding to pick up the cars set out for the children to look at. Paul riding the conductor's car with the demonstration cars behind him as they head down the hill to Gulch.
A view of the train as it backs up the yard lead to the Stanek Car Barn where the cars will be sorted and stored. Frank and Wally Pauch were working on the #1 lead to the Stanek Car Barn to level and reballast it.
Somewhere in Cleveland East Wind is crying because Frank's running the gas-powered engine on our work train. Don Speidel and Rick are tamping the ballast in the yard around the switches that were re-worked by the track crew.
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