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Tremendous Trains - Part II - 7/21/10

With the parents and grandprents gathered around the engine Roger Harnish starts the 10:30 am presentation about the Tremendous Trains. Most of the kids had rapt attention listening to Roger explaining the workings of a steam locomotive.
Roger brought some small table top steam engines to explain the principles of steam making an engine work. Roger loads the first half of the group for their train ride after the presentation.
The remaining attendees for this session of Tremendous Trains are all loaded and the train is ready to roll with Rick Nagy as engineer and Lew Fowler as conductor. The track crew was working on the Branch Line with Ken Brooks leveling the rail as Dick Clark and Paul Zorko retamp the ballast.
Roger was explaining the engine to the 1 pm group in attendance by explaining what each part on the engine did. One trainload of attendees was all that was required for this session and the train is moving out of the station.
The 3 pm class had more attendees and Roger did a fine job of explaining the parts of a steam engine and answering the kids questions. All the youngsters that participated in the program got an engineers hat.
This group seemed to hang on every word as Roger explained the functions of the equipment attached to the engine. Soon the talk will be over and time to take a train ride.
Found this butterfly sunning himself in the warmth of the sun with his wings gently spreading and closing. The first load of the 3 pm attendees just having passed over Cider Bridge and are heading into the station.
Bosha from the Park once again punched the tickets for the kids to ride as Rick waits for the "ticket agent" to finish her job. The butterflies were really out amoungst us today as this is another one sunning himself.
Ted Nyland and Jerry Bell worked on the switch throw mechanism since there wouldn't be any more trains running and decided to replace the pnenumatic air cylinder. Ted checking the amount of throw and the location for mounting the cylinder and the manual switch throw bar.
The replacement cylinder mounted on the switch throw ties and plumbed up to the air line which is below grade. The track crew worked on this yard line to level it out since they couldn't work on the mainline today because of the trains running for the Tremendous Trains Program.
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