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7.22.09 Tremendous Trains Program

The Tremendous Trains Program given by Roger Harnish gives an explanation to the kids about the workings of a steam engine tailored for the different age groups for today. The group was assembled by the steaming bay turntable and that's Roger sitting on the left.
Roger had his engine on the turntable and went over the process of how an engine makes and uses the steam that it produces. Roger discribing the different type cars and what they are used for.
Here he is showing the group the inside of his boxcar that contains the compressor for the air brakes on his train. The Park had made up cards that were given to each child with a different type car on it and the kids had to guess which car matched the one on the card.
Pat Morse of the Park Service asked the kids to pose with their parent for a picture momento of the event. All kids and their parents also received an engineers hat provided by the Park before their ride.
Mike Harkleroad leaving the station with a load of attendees in their engineer's hat. Rick Nagy with the club's GP38 leaving the station as Mike waits for his train to be loaded.
Mike leaving with the last load of attendees from the first group taking part of the program. Pat Morse brought her printer down to the station, downloaded the digital images and was printing out the 4x6 photos of the kids with their parent or grandparent.
Trevor Wearster was helping Pat to mount the finished photos to a momento card of the occasion which the kids picked up when they got back from the ride. The second group assembled at the steaming bays for Roger's talk which followed the same format.
Roger talking to the group from behind his engine and was asking questions of the kids. He kept their attention as he asked questions about the engine and whether they knew what some of the parts on the engine did.
Roger loading the riders on Mike's train as Rick waits for his turn to be loaded. Rick pulls away from the station with his train loaded with kids that will have pictures waiting for them "hot" off the printer back at the station.
Another load of passengers leaving the station with Mike as engineer. Rick leaving with the last load of attendees that participated in the Tremendous Trains Program. Thanks Roger!
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