Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

7.23.05 Club Run

Daryl Metcalf with his SW1500 switcher and his wife Sheila on the depressed center car with a lounge chair. Bill and Kitty with a trainload of guests.
Judson Elliott with the GP38 taking guests for a ride. Bob Beardslee adding water to his boiler before making his run.
Skip with a full load of passengers leaving the station. Another view of George Metts' Crab showing the cylinder and side rods.

Frank passing us at Zip Junction. There's two young timers on that train, Bob Beardslee as engineer and Dick Mackey, another charter member of the club.

Jackie and Skip Frank with grandson Josh Frank departing the station. Bob tightening up a fitting on piping of his engine.
Dick Clark with his SW1500 about to depart and Harold Sicherman is sitting behind Dick. Mary Lou Schmidt on the Galloping Goose passing us at Zip Junction.
Mark Ross on the Goose -look Mom no hands!- near the turntable at the car barn. Kevin Harris showed up in his conductor uniform looking very dapper.
The crowd started to gather at the station waiting to head for the shelter house for the cookout. The food line at the park shelter house.
Our noble and capable cooks for the chicken cookout, Roger Harnish at left and Mike Uhrich at right manned the grills. In a word ....Delicious!
Robbie Haines was doling out the chicken to the hungry group. The line just grew in length as the members parked their trains and mosied down to the shelter.
There was plenty of food left over for second helpings. George and Emily Davidson at left and Ray Dellmore, Marie and Ted Nyland on right side of table.

Harold Sicherman, Dick Mackey and Dick Philpott enjoying the meal together. Suppers over and it's time to ride the trains amongst the tall trees as the shadows deepen in the woods.

Frank cleaning the flues and blowing off the days grime from the Pacific. George Metts heading out with "Scrappy"

Ken Vendlinger and Jonathan Shaffer on the diamond at Gulch. Dick Clark with his train and Ron Trenhaile at Gulch.

Rex Shriver with his train and Ray Dellmore and Dick Mackey on Patty's Rock Bridge. This was taken earlier in the day.

A few more pictures of what Mother Nature is capable of.

And while we were having fun running trains on the track, Brent Lane was overhead in an airplane and took these two pictures of us around 1:30 p.m. Thanks Brent.
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