Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Public Run - 7/29/2012

Ken Brooks behind his engine as he talks with Roy Harris and Judson Elliott as Paul Emch departs the station with his passengers. Ken finally got his train loaded and departs the station with a full complement of passengers.
Bill Besselmen is our passenger counter and is looking over the loading of Judson's train as Roy finishes giving the riders their instruction. A guest of the club is getting a chance to drive Toby with George Metts giving him instruction as they run on the loop behind the station.
With Scott Hewis having had his train loaded with passengers, he departs the station waving to the photographer. Skip Frank puts water in the tender of his steam engine as Ken Vendlinger rolls to a stop ready to load his passengers.
We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day to have a run and you can see the line that has formed going all the way up to the right that there's a lot of people waiting to ride the trains. With a wisp of smoke rising from "Lynn's" stack she departs the station with Skip at the controls on another run.
Marty Pinkston with his scratch built electric powered engine crossing over the Park Access road as he heads down the mainline. Dick Clark at the controls of his SW1500 as he passes by Drudgery near the beginning of his run.
Tom Pappas gives a wave as he approaches Hemlock with his passengers and soon will be taking the grade down towards Gulch and Hilde Hill. Paul having passed through Hemlock will be going through Hilton and down the grade towards Fern.
I caught Richard Sales passing through the Truss Bridge with his scratch-built electric powered engine that he built. Having just passed through Fern, Rick Nagy with the club's GP38 will soon be rumbling over the Truss Bridge.
Ken with his electric powered Steeple cab climbing the grade at Mackey's Run on his way to Big Bend Bridge. A few minutes later Judson came by the same spot with his scratch-built engine and his passengers look like they are enjoying the ride.
Scott after emerging from the Covered Bridge is on the slight grade towards Zip Junction and will soon pass through Horrendous. Paul Zorko with his Morris built SW6 as he approaches Zip Junction and the halfway point for the ride.
Kenny gives a wave as he passes through Zip Junction on his way to Horrendous and points west. Ted Nyland emerges from the Covered Bridge with his electric powered pair of interurban's.
Skip coming around the curve at Shoe with his steam engine with the safety lifted and will soon be passing through the Covered Bridge. Following not too far behind Skip, I caught Rex Shriver as he approached Shoe with his trainload of passengers.
Five trains are stacked up as they come into the station to unload their passengers. Bill, our counter, checks over the loading of the train as Rick waits for Roy Harris to finish loading and give the all clear to move his train.
Lois and Frank Smoley, sitting on the bench, watch the activities as the trains come into the station to unload their passengers. A view over Skip's shoulder of the backhead on "Lynn" showing some of the valves, controls and the water gauge that he has to monitor.
John Deptowicz with his Snoopy train having just passed Pandora is on the sweeping curve to Shoe and the Covered Bridge. Ken Brooks with Paul Zorko's train has just come off the Big Bend Bridge and is at Pandora with a trainload of passengers.
Following a distance behind Ken is Marty as he passes by Pandora as he heads for Shoe and points west. Took this panned shot of Richard as he come off the Big Bend bridge but didn't notice the tree branch in front till after I took the picture.
A view of Rex on the Big Bend Bridge with his train from the inside of the curve. Bill Deptowicz with the Snoopy train coming into the station at the end of the run will soon unload his passengers.
Skip rolls into the station with Lynn near the end of the run as he waits for the trains ahead of him to move on. Bill is all smiles as he comes into the station with his passengers who will soon depart the train.
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