Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

7.30.06 Public Run

Chet Roberts with his engine steamed up backed it onto the turntable from a steaming bay. Chet has rotated the engine to the departure track and is about to crack the throttle open and head for the main.
The line has started to form and we still have 45 minutes before run time. Tom Pappas checking his engine over on one of the steaming bays before the start of the public run.
Marcel adds coal to the firebox of the big Hudson as it slumbers on the track not quite awaken yet. Chet responds to a question about the fuel used for his steamer and shows them the coal he uses.
Marcel has finished awaking the giant and with a full head of steam we see that the safety has lifted to expell the extra pressure that the boiler has generated. Marcel does a final check on the Hudson.
Meanwhile back at the station George Woodling is loading Chet's train with Roy Harris in red shirt. Rex Shriver was next to load and ready to depart and another public run has begun.
Dave Foster with his scratch-built speeders and his passengers head on down the mainline. Dick Clark with his SW1500 and Frank Foti with his Pacific "Eastwind" wait to pull up to the loading area.
Lou DeLembo, one of our charter members, was the passenger counter for the run today. Frank with "Eastwind" as he approaches Hemlock with his load of passengers.
Another study of concentration as Josh Frank takes his Dad for a ride on "Scrappy". Dave Schweitzer with his switcher that he recently converted from gas to electric motor powered.
Judson Elliott at the controls of WH&LE 9401 coasts down the grade from Gulch. Mike Uhrich with his electric powered boxcab follows behind as he crosses Bridge #6 at the bottom of the hill.
Paul Emch with the Conrail engine and his passengers passes Fern Siding at the bottom of the hill. Dick Clark with his train load starts climbing the grade from Truss Bridge past Mackeys Run.
Chet with his passengers rounding the curve off Big Bend Bridge as he approaches Pandora. Rex with his train at Horrendous as Chet passes him in the oposite direction heading toward the station.
Rick approaching Horrendous has just passed Gillette with the GP38. Marcel at High Creek with the Hudson working a little easier since they are past the 3% plus grade from Gulch.
Frank at High Creek approaching the Branch Line crossing with his conductor Diana Mitchell. George Woodling with the Western Maryland SW1500 switcher just past the Branch Line.
Chet with his engine coasts into the station and slowly makes an application of brakes to stop at the unloading point. A view of the Hudson doing mosquito control....just kidding.
Sitting on the bench at the station I got this front end view of the Hudson. Linda Harris giving Rex a chance to stretch for a few runs as she handles the engineer duties.
George Metts enjoying a ride with his scratch-built battery powered "Scrappy" engine and train. Paul with the Conrail at Fern and all smiles as usual.
Jerry Bell coming off the Truss Bridge in this low angle shot. Caught Mike in a laid back pose operating his train at the same location.
Karl Losely with the Hudson as she thunders across the access road crossing and the exhaust starts to bark as she hits the grade at Mackeys Run. Frank throttled back and coasting down the hill at Gulch.
At the station Pam Znidar as conductor for the train she is riding waits for it to pull ahead and load passengers. Karl coming into the station with the Hudson in this low angle shot. Impressive!!!
Dick with his trainload of happy "kids" at Pandora. This is what it is all about. As the train rides off into the sunset(?)we'll just say the end. By the way, nice caboose!
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