Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

8.06.05 Public Run

The Parks' Super Star Party is a night run so rear end units of each train need flashing lights. Karl Losely with flashlight in hand looking over the Hudson with Bob Beardslee before the run.
Dave Foster rigged lights on his speeder and is heading for the station. George Metts coming into the station with his electric powered "Scrappy".
Judson Elliott checking how the loading of passengers is going. Roy Harris, our loader, in the red cap watches as Bill Bodemer the conductor for this train takes the last seat.
Dick Clark at the station waiting for Roy to load his train. Roger Harnish is talking to Edith Hacker by our decorated guard posts which had twinkling lights.
Linda Harris and Judson standing at left of train as Roy instructs passengers and George Davidson is conductor. Dave Foster, with his speeder, prepares to leave with his passengers.
Roy loading Dick's train as darkness settles in. Night sky was mostly clouded over for early evening,hence no stars. Marty McGuan was on the club's GP38 with Gerry Bell as conductor.
More passengers being loaded on Marty's train by Roy. Karl Losely checking out the big Hudson between runs to make sure he has enough water for the engine and air for the brakes.

Linda watching the riders as Dick squints knowing that the camera flash will blind him temporarily and Bob Beardslee as conductor for Karl. Hudson enduced smog, but Karl says it's a good hot burning coal.

Karl and the Hudson getting down to business as the Hudson is acting like a proper lady and not smoking. Judson waiting for his train with the Park engine to be loaded.
Skip Frank waits to be loaded as Ted Nyland on next track unloads his interurbans. Skip all loaded and ready to run puts on his gloves as the backhead fittings in the cab get hot.
Ted Nyland leaves the station with his electrified interurbans which used to be gasoline engine powered. Don Speidel with his ConRail engine was helping out with the large crowd tonight.

Roy checks out the loaded cars as Don waits for the conductors' all clear signal to depart. Marty with his son Patrick starts moving his train out on the main line.

Bill, Karl with those "Will I ever get them clean overhalls?" and Mike Uhrich in blue shirt coming up to talk to Karl. Portrait of a happy engineer but the flash hides some of the actual soot on his face.
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