Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session - 8/07/13

No, Judson Elliott and Bob Beardslee are not toasting each other, that's not beer they are holding up, its the float for the water tower that hopefully has been fixed. Same view just using the flash as it seems to be getting darker out.
It must not be my imagination that it's getting darker as Judson's using the lights on the brim of his hat as he and Bob work on the float. Just needs a little bit more tweaking and that's Ken Vendlinger in the background with the weed whip getting around the steaming bay supports.
The internal plumbing for the float assembly hanging on the outside of the water tower will soon have the float attached and set back into the tank. Judson making the connection as Bob watches him.
Ken working on the trimming and it seems to be getting darker, I think we are going to have some rain. The crew came back up to the station as it looks like we're going to get wet.
There's without flash and you can see it's getting darker. Then the rain came and it was good to be at the station under roof to watch it.
Just rain, rain, rain and more rain for today and the weather forcast doesn't look any better. I guess that ends today's work session. Maybe next week we will be able to do better.
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