Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Public Run

At the Park today we were treated to a display of cars from Yesteryear in beautiful shape and lovingly restored. A credit to their owners for the time and effort put into these cars.
If I didn't know better I would think that today had a Dr.Seuss theme. Roger Harnish, being ambidextrous, tends to the fire in his engine and maintains mosquito control all at the same time.
With his train loaded, Roger opens the throttle and his engine responds as Mike Harkleroad waits for Roger to clear the switch for the main ahead. Mike moves out with his trainload of passengers.
Bob Beardslee is watching over his engine as he raises steam on one of the steaming bays. Dick Clark about to move out of the station as soon as Roy Harris finishes with the riding instructions to the passengers.
The happy expressions for the train ride they are about to undertake is what the trains are all about. Paul Emch with his gas powered Morris SW1200 NKP engine is about to depart the station.
Ted Nyland was present with his pair of electric powered interurbans. Rex Shriver was just starting his run and has his plastic cover over the engine because of the impending rain, yes I know the sun is shining ....for now.
Rick Nagy behind "Big Red" the club's GP38 Rail Systems engine which is a good hauler for load. Skip Frank heads for his pail of coal to fill the tender as he waits for his train to start loading.
Dave Foster is the passenger counter today as he decided not to run his speeders because of the rain forcast. Roger changing engineering position with Robbi Haines before the train moves up to the loading area.
Robbi as engineer moves the train up to load as conductor Jerry Bell watches the train loading. Rick at Shoe with his load of passengers and soon will be at the halfway point of the ride.
Skip after passing through Zip Junction is heading on to the crossing of Cider Bridge. Coming into the station all smiles at the end of their ride is Andrew, Nathan, Brendan and Sheri Jucha.
They said it would rain and it has but some of the riders are undaunted and prepared. With a hearty spirit the passengers wait for their turn to ride the trains in the light rain.
Bob pulls into the station with his steam engine and wet load of passengers who still manage to smile. Dick starts another run with passengers in the rain. Above photos provided by Pam Znidar.
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