Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

Work Session - 8/21/13

Bob Beardslee and Frank Smoley looked over the sweeper to see if it was possible to increase the RPMs on the brush and what the modifications would be if it was possible. Karl Losely used similar sized belts and pulleys to slow the rpms down from the motor to the brush.
Dave Cryor had just refueled the push mower and is taking the gas can back to the toolshed. Ken Vendlinger was running the riding mower cutting the bulk the area behind the station.
Frank Smoley and John Koontz cut up a tree and the branches that have fallen near the toolshed to clear the area around our remote switch post. John had brought in his chainsaw and was cutting the pieces up as Frank and Ken Brooks were helping with debris removal.
Ted Nyland, George Metts, Bob Beardslee and Lew Fowler confer on the line of action to be taken, if any, in the modifications to the sweeper. The water tank has been put back together again and is fully operational for the steamer guys.
I just couldn't pass this up at the ranger station with a Monarch butterfly on the butterfly bush as it gently worked over the blossoms of the miniature flowers fluttering from one flower to another around the bush.
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