Lake Shore Live Steamers > Images

8.30.09 Public Run

Kitty Shriver trying to bundle up from the cold rain that is coming down soon after she left the station. With the telephoto zooming in you can see she just can't get in to the station soon enough.
Josh Frank giving Ethan and Bill Deptowicz a ride behind the station before the run begins. Rick Nagy watches John Deptowicz wipe the rain off the seats before the passengers will be loaded.
With Rick as engineer and John as conductor and a full load of passengers willing to sit in the light rain that is falling, they start the run. Jerry Bell in the covered bridge, at least isn't being rained on.
Skip Frank exits the bridge with his riders as he starts the gentle grade up to Zip Junction. Amy and Ethan sit in front of John who is the conductor of this train.
Karl Losely on the grade to Zip Junction is experiencing some wheel slipage with the Hudson on the wet steel rails. Bill Deptowicz was using the sander, that Ted Nyland made, that deposits a little pile of sand about every 12 inches as it rolls.
Rick just passing High Creek will clear the trees and be in the rain. Ted Nyland as he approaches Horrendous with his load of passengers bundled against the chill.
Dick Clark with his SW1500 Western Maryland train is almost at Zip Junction. Ted arrives back at the station at the end of another run and his passengers start to unload with the help of Edith Hacker.
Dick Mackey, the conductor, sure looks happy after this trip...I wonder why? Pam Znidar was helping with the unloading of the trains and is talking to some of the riders that endured the cool ride today.
Rex Shriver arrives at the station with his engine that has on it's rain bonnet. John brings in his load of passengers up to the unloading point with Lou DeLembo as his conductor.
Dave Foster was loading passengers on the trains and is almost finished with those on Paul Emch's train. At least it has stopped raining and the rider's line is starting to grow in length.
Amy Deptowicz was one of the rider counters today and is checking the current tally for Ron Trenhaile. George Woodling watches Robbi Haines load the riders on the car.
Ken Brooks enjoys a hot cup of coffee, or is that a bug in it, as he waits for George to board his train and depart the station. George is on the move as he starts down the main line and Ken can load passengers. .
Frank Foti on the steaming bay with East Wind as he cleans up his engine. Roger Harnish having dropped the fire in his engine is caught in mid conversation with Karl Losely.
Ken unloading at the station with one of the last loads of riders for today. Karl steam cleaning the Hudson up on a steaming bay after the run with Jerry Bell in the background.
Frank continues with the TLC on East Wind after a rainy and cool Public Run Day. With Josh Frank and Austin Tapolyai watching, Logan Tapolyai douses the fire ring with water to put it out.
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