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Work Session - 9/07/2011

Today on the Stanek Car Barn I found a Walking Stick basking in the sun. John Koontz and Frank Foti load our three-light signal head into a gondola to take it down behind the tool shed for now so it will be closer to where it will be located.
Joe Banzer watches as John and Dick Clark clean up around the area where the signal was stored after loading the support pipe on the train. Frank backing down the yard track heading towards the steaming bays where the signal will eventually will be mounted.
Frank with the work train backing through the switches by the gravel pile. Getting ready to unload the pipe and the signal head and store it behind the tool shed until the foundation for the signal is put in.
Dave Foster drills the railroad tie wall for steel rods that will be hammered in to keep the ties in alignment against the earth's pressure. George Metts and Rick Nagy watch as Dave, using a sledge, sets the rod in place.
Work continues as Dave continues to drill holes down through the ties with a long wood bit as Rick and Edith Hacker watch the activity. Rick using the sledge to set the steel rod with Joe and Frank watching as the work progresses.
The guys watch Dave drill another hole with Wayne Boron in the background using a wheel barrow to backfill the earth against the wall. A view down along the wall with another rod about to be driven in.
Wayne continues backfilling with gravel at the high end of the stepped wall. The guys just finished leveling the earth across to the wall and are taking a break.
The Park came to our rescue and helped us distribute the stone from the concrete pad out to the end of the grade wall with their equipment which probably would have taken us about 100 wheelbarrow loads to accomplish this. A view of the stone all raked and leveled out -- it sure looks nice.
A view looking from the low side of the grade wall looking towards the Switch Shed. Paul Emch and Don Speidel continued with the inspection of all our cars while we were working on the grade wall.
Paul using one of the seats to prop the car and keep it from rolling back over as they check out the brakes on this car. A view from the gravel pile looking towards the steaming bay and our leveled off area which will facilitate two units unloading their equipment by the scissor lift.
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